Centre for Accessibility
The Centre for Accessibility is a campaign with easy to understand online resources explaining what digital accessibility is, who needs it, and how people in charge of digital content can make it happen. Very useful for managers in particular, but worthwhile for anyone just beginning to learn about accessibility.
Guidelines for Producing Accessible e-text
If you need to make ebooks, e-texts or other digital publications, these guidelines will help. Created by the Round Table on Information Access For People With Print Disabilities.
Making Images Accessible
Accessible images are so important! Use these training tools, templates and samples to make yours as understandable as possible.
Microsoft's Inclusive Design Principles
A great site with videos and a toolkit for making your digital products more inclusive
WebAIM's WCAG2.0 Checklist
A plain-language version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.0
How and Where to Report Accessibility Bugs
Found an accessibility bug in a browser or assistive technology? Look here to find out where you can log an issue.
Inclusive Design Patterns
A book with accessible patterns and code for standard interface features, with explanations of why and how to get the best result.
Mobile accessibility resources
An article linking to many useful resources for making accessible native apps
Free and open source accessibility tools
The A11y Project
Code snippets and best practices for developers to use. It’s open source so you can contribute or raise issues via GitHub.
Color Accessibility Workflows
A book by Geri Coady which covers all aspects of accessible use of colour in a design project
Content authors
Creating Accessible PDFs
Adobe’s instructions for making your PDFs accessible
Document Accessibility Toolbar
A toolbar for MS Word which helps check the accessibility of your document
Embracing Plain Language for Better Accessibility
A great set of slides from Ashley Bischoff on how to make your content easy to understand
Writing for the web
Resources (including templates and checklists) for people who need to write content for websites
PDF reduction strategy
If your site is full of inaccessible PDFs, this article has useful suggestions for replacing them